We are pleased to inform that we have upgraded the Molift Battery pack with Green top, which is now a grey top.
These are the batteries used in Molift Quick Raiser 1, Molift Quickraiser 2 and Molift Quickraiser 2+,Molift Smart 150 and Molift Mover 180. The new batteries are 14,4 V NiMH 2,6 Ah, Molift Power Pac, compared to 2,2 Ah on the existing model.
Brief history of the battery:
The original battery had a black top and the charger was metal, which was wall mounted and cant charge any other type of battery.
This was superceded by the Green top battery which came with a new Molift Battery charger, the charger is a grey plastic unit, which is a desktop unit that will charge the black and the green top batteries.
The new Grey top Molift battery will charge on the existing charger unit, nothing has changed in regard to price, were simply giving our customer more performance and reliabilty.