The Molift Smart 150 Folding Hoist is a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize patient handling and promote independence. This innovative device offers a range of features and benefits that make it an ideal choice for both home and institutional care settings. Key Features
Compact and Portable Design:
Easy Folding: The hoist folds into..
The New Molift Air 200!The New Molift Air 200 Track Hoist..
If you are looking for a travel hoist for the disabled traveller, look no further than the Molift Smart 150.
I am the Managing Director of AAL LTD, im also a full-time wheelchair user. My company is passionate about products that enable people and their families with disabilities to travel away safely and reliably. I was looking for a hois..
This a regular question AAL get asked ?what is the best hoist for children?? as the challenge a lot of children suffer is weight gain. Depending on the level of disability, this can greatly affect the child?s ability and weight management.We ask the customer the following questions: Do you want single handed care ability?What do you want the hois..
img { float: left; margin: 5 5 10px 10px;}Holidays on cruise ships is very popular these days, its a great solution for people with physical disabilities who are full-time wheelchair users. The challenge is however; Cruise Ships with hoists are not available.They do however, allow travellers to take their own.The Molift Smart 150 has been de..
AAL LTD have been supplying Hoists for the UK Ambulanceservices in the NHS since 2011. The preferred solution is the Molift Partner 255 which has a SWL (Safe Working load) of 255Kg and can be assembled/dis-assembled easily and Fits securely in the Ambulance.
One of the growing challenges within the ambulances service throughout the UK is the inc..
The human body is a fantastic piece of engineering, and some of us
are lucky enough to manage superhuman feats, whilst others are happy
enough just watching them. But how do we cope when our bodies start to
slow down? This can be due to advancing years, an accident, or perhaps
an illness that becomes serious. There can be little worse than bein..
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